domingo, mayo 31, 2015

Bleeding inside

"She was so confused, so lost, her heart was away. Meanwhile her love was so lonely awaiting for her... Just one click, just one touch and both would be again on the road... unfortunately one of them had a disease... the time was running out
They were wondering at moments if one day they would be together, finally"


sábado, mayo 30, 2015

Believing, but not trusting

Such a big wall when you really love 
when you really love that one

Such a big deal when you wanna be
when you wanna be in her heart

Such a big heart when you need to realize
when you need to realize how hard it was

Such a big hell but you just don't care
you just don't care, loving so much

And you do believe me, you do believe me
you do believe me.... youu

What's wrong in your heart
who made you feel sad
that pain is no right
If I wanna stay by your side...

Such a big wall when you really love 
when you really love that one

Such a big deal when you wanna be
when you wanna be in her heart

Such a big heart when you need to realize
when you need to realize how hard it was

Such a big hell but you just don't care
you just don't care, loving so much

And you do believe me, you do believe me
you do believe me.... youu

Who made you feel bad
those fakes in your mind
when trusting is not an option
how could you be mine?

And you do believe me, you do believe me
you do believe me.... youu can't trust...


If that person would know...

This message wanna fly away from me... away away, 10.000 km... I am saying this here and now but it wanna go away, It wanna be heard for the person I love, the one I love... even when that person has no idea how much I feel ... and I can not stop it ... 

deep down...


domingo, mayo 24, 2015

The facts I follow

  1. If someone is really interested in me, that person will find a way to meet me, to stay with me no matter what...
  2. It is better to act than just say what are you going to do
  3. You need strong reasons to leave your country, preferably 3:  turism, a job and if there is love,  "someone" ... and the last is the most important when it is reciprocal
  4. Do not waste your time with someone you know you are not loving much or your mind is somewhere else with someone else while you are in a relationship
  5. It is a fact that money do not make our happiness, but it helps just in the way we take our lives and needs. Basically what is a need and a wish ...both are different things
  6. Do not believe in people that tend to promise all the time, believe in those that without say a word just show what they are doing for us...
  7. If someone is not able to choose you there are 3 reasons: it is too coward to face her/his feelings, you dont mean anything at all or that person does not know what he/ she should do. 
  8. Love hurts
  9. Love is not a competition... when you feel something you can not avoid it, no matter the time, the people you have in your life or the couples you spend time with ... 
  10. The people you love the most tend to be the meanest with you, even knowing the much you love them...
  11. The only things we have to regret are those we have not done...
  12. I am not afraid of loving someone or getting hurt for someone. That is part of life
  13. Even when you avoid it there is always someone you will hate with all your heart... 
  14. Your past will make your present no matter if you try to avoid it... you better face it and get over it
  15. I love a person and  her name is ...J...

Im sorry for my english, I am learning...


Missing... Inefable

Cuando terminas de convencerte a ti misma de que  estabas extrañando con todo tu ser, con toda tu alma.  Que los días se convirtieron en meses, que las semanas  se convirtieron en décadas,  y un mes completo se convirtió en  cien años, quizás una eternidad...


viernes, mayo 22, 2015

La persona que amo, Inmarcesible

Y entonces la persona que amo apareció,
y latió nuevamente mi alma.
Salí del infierno, que significa vivir en agonía.
Tiernamente me ha encontrado.
Le he dejado mis puertas abiertas.
Mi completo territorio se siente vulnerable nuevamente.
¿Qué es esto? ¿ Qué significa?
Me siento absolutamente vulnerable y frágil.
Me siento absolutamente fuerte y confiada.
Tengo mi confianza en todo y en nada a su vez.
Mi reflejo, mi alma gemela en frente de mí justo ahora.
Le abrazo con amor, le acaricio con regocijo, le adoro.
¿Quién es el cobarde que ante sus sentimientos, se rinde?
Me quedo, siempre me quedo aquí a la espera.
Estoy esperando todo, esperando nada. 
Me he llenado nuevamente de vida. 
Incluso la muerte me parece placentera,
pero no la quiero aún.
Soy el fantasma que jamás pensé ser. 
Quiero vida, vida sólo para apreciar este sentir desde mi alma.
Desde mis entrañas todo me llama a buscar alivio en su alma.
Mi persona amada me grita internamente, internamente me ha encontrado.
Las sombras, las almas del mundo se reencuentran de maneras insospechadas
Me quedo quieta. .... quieta de felicidad, porque así siento mi vida. 

To J...


miércoles, mayo 20, 2015

Michael - Mikhail

"Questions frequently arise in Christian circles about the true identity of the mysterious biblical character known as Michael, sometimes called "Michael the archangel" and "Michael the Great Prince." Some claim that Michael is the highest of the heavenly angels, one of the covering cherubs, or a special messenger like Gabriel. And therefore, he is a created being. Others, such as Bible commentator Matthew Henry, assert that Michael is simply another of the many names for Jesus Himself. Can we know the real identity of this mysterious being? Obviously, the key to deciphering this puzzling question is found in the Scriptures. "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little" Isaiah 28:10.

A quick look in a Bible concordance reveals that there are 15 references to the name Michael in Scripture. Ten of these are simply people named Michael. In fact, the entry for "Michael" in the lexicon a Greek and/or Hebrew dictionary states, "The name of an archangel and nine Israelites." It is the identity of Michael, the archangel and prince, mentioned in the last five references that we seek in this important study. 

The first three of these references to Michael are in the Old Testament book of the prophet Daniel. The last two are mentioned in the New Testament books of Jude and Revelation. With an honest study and comparison of these and other verses, clues quickly emerge that lead us to an inescapable conclusion of Michael's true identity He is none other than Jesus—He is not a created angel or cherub, but this name is another of the many grand titles for God's eternal Son! 

At first glance, the Old Testament appears to portray Michael as a prince, and the New Testament describes Him as an archangel. But by looking at other related Scriptures where similar language and wording are used, we will see an interesting pattern emerge. Warning

Before you proceed any further, please carefully read and digest this next thought. Because the word "angel" means messenger, it is used very freely and broadly in Scripture. Sometimes, men are called angels in the Bible 1 Samuel 29:9 Galatians 4:14. And sometimes angels are called men Genesis 32:24. And in other places, as will be soon shown, God Himself is identified as an angel! Of course, even angels are called angels.

Typically, when a person thinks of an angel, they picture one of the many levels of winged, ministering spirits known as angels, seraphim, or cherubim. Unlike Jesus, these celestial beings are created. There are some cults that teach that Jesus, before His earthly incarnation, was really just a powerful angel that had a feud with His wayward fellow angel Lucifer. In turn, this means that Jesus is a created being who has been promoted by the Father and therefore not the eternal God as Christians accept. This study categorically rejects that view. Jesus is, and always has been, God's eternal Son and indeed God Himself. Any comparison made to Jesus as an angel in this study is simply in the classical sense as a greatest messenger of salvation and is in no way intended to diminish from His eternal divinity.

Maybe the key is in the name

First, let's consider the meaning of some words and names. In the Greek New Testament, the word "angel" means "messenger," and "arch" means "chief, principle, greatest, or highest." So "archangel" simply means "highest or greatest messenger." The Hebrew name "Michael," found in the Old Testament, means "who is like God" or sometimes it forms a question: "Who is like God?" So the title Michael the archangel can be translated as "The greatest messenger who is God." Whether this name is a question, statement, or a challenge will be clear by further study. One angel did profess to be like God. That covering cherub fallen from the heavenly courts is Lucifer, who became the devil or Satan, by claiming to "be like the most High" Isaiah 14:14. In Revelation 12:7, Satan is opposed by "Michael and his angels" and is cast out of heaven."

more about this:

domingo, mayo 17, 2015


Loneliness has allowed me to think, screem, only internaly with no external noises. Loneliness has allowed me to develop many ideas, many thoughts, many sorrows. I searched  for worlds and I found universes. 

Loneliness has allowed me to realize how deep are my feelings, for my family, my friends and specially for that person I love the most... 

Loneliness has allowed me to open my eyes and talk with myself constantly. It is not the same now when I open my hands or eyes... I found a reason to stay, to love, to smile, to sing, to read, to embrace... 

I told to that person 100 years ago..."maybe the reason is that I have to love you... I should love you with no expectations, that is a good reason why I found you .... or you found me"...

I create, I see, I hear more, I seek, I smell, I taste differently...

I love ... yes, I love in my loneliness...

Adiós querido cabello

Me aburrí!!!!!!!!

Adiós a mi cabello..... 

Hoy te vi nuevamente, Limerencia

Entre mis saltos y sonrisas, te busqué y te encontré
Te encontré en cada una de los rostros del ruidoso lugar
Cerré los ojos y te vi nuevamente. 
Los abrí para comprobar que no eras tú, pero eras tú, completamente tú...
Me rodeabas y me sonreías, me abrazabas y te alegrabas de la danza...

Hoy te vi nuevamente bajo la luz de mis estrellas, entre ruidos y sus bondades.
Te vi con tu sonrisa eterna, con tu mirada infinita, con tu anhelo de quedarme quieta en ti...

Te extraño, como el mar extraña todos los días a su Luna. Hoy te vi nuevamente y mi corazón latió gracias a ti pues estabas ahí para mi, en todas partes, en ese ambiente, en ese ruido, entre esas amistades...

No te pierdas, no te vayas, no me olvides....

To J...


jueves, mayo 14, 2015

If only

If only I could take your pain...

Not just the pain in your "back"....but in your soul...


miércoles, mayo 13, 2015

Slave of my own thoughts...

"I leave my own body every night. There is a reason why I do this. I need to be phisically there, not just staring and reading that lovely mind... I wanna give my hand to that who is always keeping things for me. No matter what is happening outside, I have been deprived of freedom for so long...all those guardians  telling "DON'T TALK, DON'T SAY A WORD"... it is annoying!" Roxana

Even if they say the same than your heart ...

I wonder

Here I am
only standing beside of you
here I am 
wanting all, that all of you

Here I stay
no matter the way, doing all for you
giving time, and all my night 
thinking about you

I wonder if you are missing our moments
I wonder if I have a space in your mind
I wonder if you will feel that way
with someone else...

Here I'll stay 
the only way I can feel more of you
Here I am
holding silently your hand

Tell me then
if  I should be feeling this way
thinking about you

I wonder if you are missing our moments
I wonder if I have a space in your mind
I wonder if you will feel that way
with someone else...


Sometimes you have to listen the stars


martes, mayo 12, 2015

How can I leave a feeling?

Once when I was a child
someone started reading to me
telling that I will find someone just for me
just for me

Once I thought I'll be fine
wishing so impatiently, believe me
that you could be so right in that place just for me
just for me

and now I only want to leave it
and now I wish all my heart beatings to stop me
and I can't stand the idea of you so close to me
if you don't want me the same way, that I feel...

How can I leave a feeling
how can I leave my heart
feels like I'm always missing
missing you so much 

Once when I was a child
someone started reading to me
telling that I will find someone just for me
just for me

Once I thought I'll be fine
wishing so impatiently, believe me
that you could be so right in that place just for me

just for me

How can this life to let me
to find you by this way
while you are starting something
with the wrong  one away ....

Once when I was a child
someone started reading to me
telling that I will find someone just for me
just for me

My excuse.... J...

Desde el alba hasta las estrellas

Desde el alba, hasta las estrellas
desde mis alarmas, hasta mis lágrimas,
probablemente las más bellas lágrimas...
Desde mi ventana hasta tus palabras
esas frases que cantas con tu voz, desde el alma.

Desde mis latidos, hasta tus caricias
desde mis cuerdas vocales, hasta tu delicia
desde mi inspiración hasta tu prisa,
esa que no te deja verme a mí, que soy tu premisa...

Desde el alba hasta las estrellas, dame una caricia, un mensaje, tuyo, tu alma bella...


lunes, mayo 11, 2015

Let me find it

Let me find my own sun
just let me find it
let find it
You do not understand what's wrong
it is all about me and all about me

Let me find my own control,
You just can't see it
just can't see it
trying to understand it all
just let me find it, let me find it

You asking me what it's wrong
but you can see me, you can find me...
please just let my feelings flow
I wanna see you here
the only I wanna feel


"The love I feel it is an excuse to write poetry and new songs....
My poetry and songs are an excuse to express the love I feel for someone..".


domingo, mayo 10, 2015

I would prefer....

I would prefer to spend one minute.... one second of my life with the person I love that questioning all my existence, all the eternity with an "How could it have been?"

Preferiría pasar un minuto... un secundo de mi vida con la persona que amo que toda una existencia, toda una eternidad cuestionándome con un "Cómo podría haber sido?


sábado, mayo 09, 2015


Lahatiel ("the flaming one") - one of the seven angels of punishment and the angel who presides over the gates of death, the second of the seven lodges of Hell. He is also one of the fallen angelswho is charged with punishing the ten nations
"The carbon was burning, and the methane near us was in flames. all of a sudden, the air was smoky and gray as it rolled into the cave, and I was on fire. I screamed but the sound of the winds again drowned them out. When the smoke began to clear, from within it came an angel. the name of this angel was Lahatiel. This angel was big and mighty and had one sole purpose, punishment"
Revelations of the fallen - D.E. Phoenix

Dear - Bukowski

viernes, mayo 08, 2015


"ARCHANGEL AZRAEL, Angel of Death and Comfort ~ is a powerful celestial being whose name means, ‘Whom God Helps.’ Azrael is called the angel of death because he has been known to part the soul from the body at the time of death. This has caused a negative association with his angelic duties for some; they fear that the angel of death will come to strike them down. This is unfortunate, since his frequency is powerfully focused to be a comfort to those he attends. So, at the time of greatest need in your lives, which includes the time of transition out of the body and onward to other planes, allow this angel to help you. As his real mission is to help souls transition to the plane of existence that will serve them best for the next step of their journey.
The Koran which calls the angle of death “Malak al-Maut” tells us that the angel of death isn’t aware when it’s time for a person to die until God reveals that information to him. The Talmud (central text of Rabbinic Judaism) says the angel of death was equated with Satan, and thus became the legend that the angel of death was evil, rather than the good angel he is. However, the Zohar (the holy book of the branch of Judaism called Kabalah) presents a pleasant depiction of Azrael. The Zohar says that Azrael receives the prayers of faithful people when they reach heaven, and also commands legions of heavenly angels. I truly believe that you can call on this angel at times of grief from the loss of a loved one and he will comfort you. For part of his mission is indeed comfort.
Azrael, the Judeo-Christian Angel of Death, originated as a descendant of the powerful priests of Aaron, Moses' older brother. Azrael began his existence in the Jewish mind in Babylon sometime after 597 BCE, when the Jews were held captive from their homeland by King Nebuchadnezzar, who had sacked Jerusalem and sent high priests and royalty to prison. In Babylon, the angel who became Azrael was called Azra. Azrael came into the world in a troubled time when the Jews needed help. The name Azra means ‘help,’ and El means lord or God. So his name can mean ‘one who helps God,’ or ‘who God helps.’
Azrael is often depicted with a heavenly book in which it is said he is writing the name of a person when they’re born and erasing their names when they die. Azrael is considered the patron angel of clergy and grief counselors who help people make peace before dying and minister to grieving people who are left behind.
In my research I have found almost as much or more information on Azrael than on the Arch-angel Michael. This amazed me, so if you are interested there is an enormous amount of information about Azrael, beginning with Christian thought and Hebrew writing’s that teach this angel was a man named Azra and is remembered as the Father of Judaism. His book (Azra/Ezra) appears in the Old Testament of the bible. His name is translated differently, most notable are: Ezra (Hebrew to English,) Uzayr (Hebrew to Arabic,) and Esdras (Hebrew to Greek.)
There are very long stories telling of how Azra became Azrael the angel. I will make it short and sweet, because as I said, if you want more information, it is everywhere. Here goes- King Artaxerxes of the Persian Empire took a liking to Azra and even granted him some money from the royal coffers to use when he returned to his homeland, (he had been exiled.) Once he returned to his homeland King Artaxerxes gave him the power of Judgment over ALL the people of Israel. Azra was horrified to see that the people were practicing the same wicked behavior that he believed had gotten the Jews punished by God in the first place. The ‘Am Ha'Aretz,’(common Jews) were intermarrying with royalty and the priesthood, or the ‘Zerah Kodesh’ which means ‘holy seed.’ Azra wrote a decree stipulating that all those who were involved in interclass marriages had to get divorced right away. Centuries later, the Christians remembered Azra for having ‘the power of life and death’ since he had made a decree that literally controlled who was born into what bloodline. Associating judgment with death Christians made Azra into Azrael, the Angel of Death. That’s the short version"

It's raining here!

Thanks God I am not the only one that sometimes cry for no reason .... 

For no reasons I wanna say to anybody
 And anyway I am glad that my day started different today ... but it will never be enough

miércoles, mayo 06, 2015

This will be the longest winter of my life

"And the world was in a hurry for finding their soulmates. The angel kept the temple. She was not in a competition, because those feelings would be manifest inescapably on their own fate, their own soulmate. Those feelings would find a place  in the beloved again, no matter what, no matter if  time tries to cheat on our signage"


martes, mayo 05, 2015

Mientras tanto


Tristeza y alegría

Esa tristeza, por tu ausencia.
Esa alegría, por tu existencia.
Esa tristeza, por el silencio.
Esa alegría, por tus esperanzas.
Esa tristeza, por tu decisión.
Esa alegría, por tu amistad.
Esa tristeza, porque tú no me reconoces aún.
Esa alegría, por tu bondad.
Esa tristeza, por no poder sentarme a tu lado.
Esa alegría, por el tiempo que pasa.
Esa tristeza, a través de mis lágrimas, esas lágrimas que me dejan.
Esa alegría, por tus palabras, mi consuelo, mi esperanza
Esa eres tú,  eres mi persona tan preciada, tan gigante, tan amada...

Gracias estimados lectores! 

lunes, mayo 04, 2015

Te miro en mis sueños

He fotografiado mis pensamientos, en éste, mi paisaje eterno. Te he besado bajo esta luna, porque despertar para mí es pensarte entre mis sueños. El espacio en el que te miro es éste. Mi lugar del momento que me acompaña a pensar y recitar mis sonetos. Quisiera que abrieras tu corazón, tu mente, tus manos, tu alma y viajaras en mis pensamientos. Te quiero doble, te quiero tres veces. Te quiero vida mía, pues tú lees mis mensajes a diario, aquellos en los que procuro el cuidado de tu armonía. 
No me dejes vivir en tranquilidad, porque es un tormento de tu ser el que requiero. 
Se acerca la Luna a nuestra Tierra y yo me quedo esperándote cada noche, cada día. El tiempo te ha carcomido la libertad. Tus deberes te han alejado de tu alma. Te espero aquí, aquí en mi entrecejo, aquí entre mis manos, aquí en mi mente, aquí en mi espíritu incomprendido.
Llegarás con el tiempo, ese que no existe en los suspiros de Dios, pero que nos ha otorgado como un objeto a mencionar. 


domingo, mayo 03, 2015

No me puedo detener... Tengo miedo

Porque pienso a cada instante en ti.

Te digo todo de mis días... 
Digo chistes sin sentido para verte nuevamente. 
Me río al mirar tu sonrisa en mi mente
Tengo miedo, tengo miedo, voy a caer,
Me detengo en el precipicio porque no estás allá abajo.
¿Quieres quedarte?
¿Quieres pertenecer a mis días?
No importa la forma, sólo importa que te quedes...
Tengo miedo, Tengo miedo, voy a caer.
Me detengo en el precipicio porque no estás allá abajo...
No me puedo detener, tengo miedo de caer
Pero siento que el cielo y el infierno se pierden y se mezclan en mi alma,
El Cielo y el infierno son nuestros huéspedes en la vida.
Sufrimos por amar, amamos para sufrir...
Finalmente encuentras a la persona que esperabas pero está ausente en tu vida, no lo sabe, ella no lo imagina y te mueres por que te encuentre...
¿Dónde has estado, pregunto nuevamente?

Sad song does not mean sad ending

Not all the sad songs will end in a sad story ... Sometimes is the beginning  of a new much better ...
 Thank you  sweetheart 

The fault in our stars - Bajo la misma estrella

He determinado unas cuantas dimensiones y
Te he encontrado más de 100 veces en ésta, tu primavera.
He engañado al tiempo para hacerlo soportable.
Te he visto desde lejos, en los ojos de otras personas.
He mirado tu sonrisa eterna, sin dejar de tenerla conmigo.
Te he tocado a la distancia entre mis sueños.
He llorado porque mis preocupaciones son grandes por ti. 
Te he dicho todo lo que puedes soportar de mí. 
He bajado cenizas de mi luna y de mis constelaciones.
Te he regalado miles de palabras ardiendo y quemando mis entrañas.
He esperado pacientemente meses que son años, años que son décadas convertidas en centurias...
Te susurro al oído cuando vas a descansar y me regalas uno de tus suspiros, una de tus sonrisas.
¿Cuándo dejarás de huir? ¿Cuándo correrás por tu destino en mí?
Te he visto mirarme a los ojos y temblar de miedo, de pánico por lo que ves y sientes.
¿Cuándo dejarás de correr? ¿Cuándo dejarás de buscar lo que ya encontraste secretamente en mí?

He caído desde el cielo a este infierno de palabras absurdas e incompletas.
Te he enviado mis mensajes entre líneas que aún no comprendes.
He confundido todo para entender que el amor se lleva en el alma.
Te he dejado libre porque la felicidad consiste en abandonar lo que más amas cuando sabes que haces un bien mayor
He dejado de hablar, he continuado mis conversaciones sólo conmigo, sólo contigo en mi mente
porque sé que estás, sé que existes, bajo la misma estrella...


sábado, mayo 02, 2015

Estoy enloqueciendo?

No hay palabras, no hay diccionarios,
 no hay lenguas, no hay ciudades
no hay caminos, no hay carteles
no hay personas similares
no hay tiendas semejantes
no hay sentimientos semejantes
no hay flores tan parecidas, ni respuestas tan precisas
no existen paredes tan altas, ni infiernos tan profundos.
No hay cielos tan eternos, ni colores tan parecidos.
No hay manos, no hay suspiros,
no hay sonetos tan sinónimos,
no hay complementos tan exactos...

Estoy enloqueciendo? 
Creí que los días serían suficientes...
Creí lo que todos piensan, que el tiempo sana heridas
Creí que terminaría cuando lo decidiera
Creí que dejaría estos sentimientos para dar paso a mi amistad
Ese órgano insufrible  e insaciable no me deja cambiar su esencia.
Corazón, que te resistes a mis pensamientos
Corazón, que no quieres más que sentir

Estoy enloqueciendo?
Te pienso y te pienso, y no hay emblema ni condición humana, ni condición terrestre que cambie el sentimiento.
Aún pienso en ti, de la forma más misteriosa y hermosa... con amor

"No pudieron existir dos corazones tan abiertos, ni sabores tan similares, ni sentimientos tan idénticos........"Persuasión" (Jane Austen)" 

Por encontrarme a mí

Tu viaje
tus experiencias
tus lamentos
tus años de espera...

Tu pasaporte
tus caricias que diste a personas ajenas
tu interminable espera
tus respuestas inconclusas
tus preguntas sin respuesta,
Tus "¿Por qué me dejó?"
tus penas...

Tus pocas amistades
tu impaciencia, que encontraste en ojos ajenos
tu mirada perdida que dejaste en labios incompletos
tu carencia de magia interna, tu falta de miedos...

Tus secretos,
tu confianza despedazada,  
el terror que sientes al mirarme, por sentirme
tus preguntas sin respuesta
por encontrarme a mí...


viernes, mayo 01, 2015


Luna que me visitas
Luna que me esperas
Luna que me miras
Luna, eres tu la ideal consejera?
Luna, tienes espacios en tus sueños?
tienes un alma viajera?
Luna yo te anhelo cada noche
cuando te veo al lado de las estrellas
Hay personas que no comprenden
el destino de una bella
bella Luna que nos cuidas
como a todas las doncellas
Luna que me bañas
Luna que me anhelas
Luna que ves nuestros destinos
en tus manos, en tu magia, en tus                                                                                                              venas...

¿Qué será de mi, bella Luna?
¿Qué será de mi alma gemela?
¿Por qué no respondes a mis suplicios?
Para mí eres una más, una estrella...


La peor espera se denomina "tormento"

La peor de las "esperas" es aquella en la que no puedes hacer nada más que "esperar". No hay más opciones, no hay más oportunidades, no sabes qué sucederá, no comprendes cómo pudieron suceder de ese modo las cosas, o por qué ese cambio de mentalidad o incluso ese cambio tan brusco en los sentimientos de alguien... 


El sendero

"Y encontré un sendero luego de recorrer miles de kilómetros. El alma me seguía incluso cuando me encontraba dormida entre los matorrales que estaban a mi paso y que me permitían descansar de vez en cuando. Mis alas poco a poco desaparecían y probablemente no las tendría en unas horas. No estaba segura en ese momento si el tiempo existía, si esas llamadas "horas" continuaban existiendo en ese estado..."
