jueves, mayo 18, 2023


 De repente todo es raro

Es raro pero bonito

Hay enredos que nos matan

Otros nos despiertan de a poquito

Ese poco a poco va muy suave

Como el ala de un zorzal pequenito 

Que acaricia y da calor

a su madre, diciendo le necesito

De repente todo es raro bello

Me haces falta de a poquito

Y lo grito con consuelo

Sin pensar en lo bonito

Que se siente al tenerte en mi mente, en mis suenos 

Y despertar a tu ladito. 


sábado, octubre 10, 2020















































jueves, mayo 03, 2018

Planeta Tierra

En la sima de una torre
llena de dudas,
pero segura
de que un arbol caminaba
a mi lado con sus flores
me decia: "que locura,
me creyera de pastores,
que decian mil locuras
y admiraban los horrores,
del papel que en blancura
asomaba con postones"
y es que sabes,  no hay razones
para olvidar tanta hermosura
y destruir es la locura
que llenara nuestros vagones
del dinero que amontones
no importando si tu anulas
la raiz por la cual comes...


domingo, julio 24, 2016

It's about common sense - Tolerance nowadays

Nowadays we can find people that is able to tolerate this ....

or even letting the government to do this 

But when it's about love like this .... you are the first on protesting... 

the double standards of human being....

Thanks for reading... Lis

lunes, mayo 09, 2016


About 95 CE, while in exile on the isle of Patmos, the apostle John was given in vision a glimpse of the end of the age (Rev. 1:10), called the "Day of the Lord" in numerous Old and New Testament Scriptures.  During this "day of the Lord's wrath" (Zep. 1:18), God will punish humanity for their proud, sinful ways and their refusal to acknowledge Him as the true God.  John recorded the visions he saw in the book of Revelation.
One of those punishments, chronicled in Revelation 9:1-11, will be the release of the depraved demons and fallen angels currently locked in the Abyss.  The Bible teaches that the Abyss is a spirit prison (Luke 8:31; I Pet. 3:19; II Pet. 2:4; Jude 6).  In the Abyss, some of the fallen angels are now bound in "everlasting chains under darkness" waiting "for the judgment of the great day."  For more information on these angels and the Abyss, refer to my articles "Fallen Angels and Demons" and "Genesis 6-Who Were 'The Sons Of God'?."
Abaddon and Apollyon both mean "destroyer."  Who is this ruling spirit called the "Destroyer," who is released from the Abyss during God's wrath on mankind in the last days of this age?  Does the Bible mention this being anywhere else?
The true identity of the "Destroyer" has long been misunderstood.  In this article, I will attempt to piece together all the relevant Scriptures to show who Abaddon/Apollyon really is and what his role will be in end-time prophecy.  Most have never realized how much the Bible has to say about this vital end-time figure, who is called by a variety of names.

domingo, enero 03, 2016

Me and Love... - Yo y el amor

I decided to write this thought in english because I see my followers are in all the globe. Thanks for that. I appreciate a lot the time you are taking to read all and any stupidity that I type here...

I consider to myself an ordinary soul. A person trying just to exist, believing that every moment is closer to the right chances, choices and expecting that everything that I do it's ok or will be fine for me. Thas I am proving that I am another human. 

I decided to title this thought "Me and love" because I have been thinking in the way I face this disease ... I think that love probably is a disease lol... I got a lot of reasons to argue about it but is not the thing to write now. 

The first time I thought that "I knew what love is" I was in my 19 years so so. Now I think I was a baby. I had no idea about love lol because that person simply could not see me like a girl. After that I tried with a new person for one month and that's it! We were absolutely differents, in a way that you could never imagine lol... I  thought that kissing someone could show me more about someone. Probably is a fact because the first kiss with someone can tell you a lot about that person. I still think that way. The point is, what we really want? what are we expecting on someone?

Being in my 31's  I am considering that time acts in our favor. Time gives us experience, more thoughts about relationships, understanding, patient, "love", warmth and more... 

What I know about me now:

- When I say "I love you" is because it's true
- I do not say it to someone that is not sure about her feelings for me frecuently
- Being sure of the feeling of someone for me I say it often
- I do not like to tie someone knowing that the person I am loving is not sure about me. I would never tolerate myself if she/ he can not clarify her feelings because of me
- I give the space and time that someone needs if she needs it
- If I do not speak for some time to the one I love it's because I want that person to feel free and it is my way to give space. That would never mean that my feelings are gone
- If someone wanna stay in my life, that person will do anything and everything to stay...
- When I do not understand something  or a situation I would prefer to keep silence before of saying something stupid without thinking.
- I am not someone that won't say something if it's bothering me
- I smile a lot, I am happy... and I expect someone to share that part of me 
- I consider myself too simple lol
- I feel that loving someone is the most precious gift that God gave us.
- I would prefer to act always... Nowdays all the people promise, say things, and they do nothing for the one they love.  I strongly feel that our actions talk by themselves...
- I unterstand and believe that we can not love someone else if we are not able to love ourselves first of all... 
- Sometimes (always)  I am stubborn.... lol
- Love is also persevere, communicate, share, to care, and spending time, precious time with someone......it's devotion...

For now I do not know what else to say. I am feelinf sleepy lol
hugs and thanks for reading!

miércoles, noviembre 25, 2015

I confess that I do not like Adele's music but Sarah Bareilles fills my heart!

"It is not simple to say....

she is imperfect but she tries

she is hard on herself

she is broken and won't ask for help

She is lonely, most of the time...." 

viernes, noviembre 06, 2015

Despojo - Dispossession

Me he convertido en un despojo. En una mujer de carne y hueso que lo quiere todo, pero a su vez, alguien que no quiere nada. Retorno a la vida cada vez que algo me duele, que me duele y que me duele en el alma. El dolor es la única forma de hacernos sentir vivos, así como los momentos de felicidad que compartimos con alguien o simplemente en soledad. 

Soy un despojo de sentimientos, de emociones, pero por sobre todas las cosas, de objetos. Me deshago de mis cosas, las últimas semanas, los últimos meses. Vendí mi auto por una causa noble: ayudar al medio ambiente, y por una causa personal: evitar más gastos de los que una persona cuerda puede sostener en la vida. 

Últimamente quiero vender todo. No tengo muchas cosas pero quiero venderlas. Tengo planes y pareciera que las cosas que tengo son un estorbo. Mi cámara de video se desvaneció en el vacío de un par de billetes que me ayudaron a aguantar el último mes. Mi guitarra se despidió de mí hace una semana porque alguien más la quería acariciar. No tengo más que las pocas posesiones que un pordiosero cualquiera pudiese tener, mi ropa, mis óleos, una montonera de lápices de todo tipo, unos regalos que quizás nunca regale, un par de muebles que sostienen el inútil vaivén de mis libros cuya probabilidad de que los vuelva a leer es nula. 

Me entretiene la nada, mi mente, mis pensamientos. Me entretienen mis emociones, mi vacío y mi plenitud al sentir que tengo un hueco grande en el alma que llenar aún con viajes, recuerdos, pieles, besos, música, olores, sabores, placeres, mis preguntas...

Tengo 31 años y no me llena lo que la sociedad me pide: hijos, casarme, una casa, un auto, estatus social, un trabajo, regalos, ni siquiera zapatos... Me completa el día, esas emociones al leer mensajes esperados, mis habilidades culinarias, mi rabia al entender que no tengo el control de todo. Me llenan mis sonrisas, las propias; mis lágrimas por la esperanza que a veces se quebranta. 

Dejar herencia? que siga la estirpe? va! hay demasiada gente en el mundo ... 

un abrazo, gracias por leer

sábado, agosto 15, 2015

Pobreza, la necesidad de los corazones sin escrúpulos - Poverty, a need for unscrupulous

No es necesario que escriba sobre ricos o pobres. Ni siquiera es necesario que exponga las cifras abrumadoras que muestran cómo este sistema, tan sanguinario y depravado, extrae la energía del 90% de las personas en el planeta y da ganancias a sólo un 10% de todxs nosotrxs. 

Ser pobre en este mundo es ser parte de la mercadería, de la maquinaria que le permite a ese 10% ser rico. Se suponía que la educación y la información nos liberara del yugo de la pobreza; de todo tipo de pobreza. 

Es triste ver cómo es que hay personas con tantas necesidades básicas que no pueden cubrir, a pesar de la existencia de los derechos humanos, y personas con tantos deseos ridículos que sí pueden realizar y que finalmente desechan sin siquiera pensar en el prójimo. 

Cuanta falta hace en este lindo pero triste planeta que el corazón del rico sea empático con la vida del pobre. 


jueves, julio 02, 2015

You will die slowly if you do not open your heart

And so the opportunities are buried.We never had a chance and probably will not exist. 

When you are really happy you do not look at the side...

I am all alone, but happy because of you

I am madly in love...

viernes, junio 05, 2015

How to survive when you are in love ...

No matter if it is reciprocal or not  you should learn to survive to those feelings. The next is my way of supporting this "state" of humanity. 

  • The first thing you have to do is to let those feelings flow. Write, shout, name, think, draw, create, sing and be happy enjoying them. 
  • The second is starting to feel the details that life gives us: 
- Smile with your alarm because that is the first step to feel you are still alive, everyday. 
- Take your first breath consciously. Feel inside all that air in your body. It is a new day, a new start, a new chance.
- If your bed is warm and the day is cold, enjoy that change of temperature, your body is reacting to our beautiful universe!
- Listen if there are birds ourside trying to be present in our world ...cats, dogs or any pet ... they belong to our enviroment too
- Touch your chest and feel your heart beating , there is a great reason there inside to feel thankful ...
- Feel and enjoy the water, and how cold can it be in the morning! ...
- Enjoy the sparks of water when you are taking your shower...
- Smell the products you use and smile when you are getting old just for staying too much time taking your shower or bath...
- Be thankful if you have a roof  where you can change after your shower, clothes, food, to prepare your breakfast and a warm place in case the day is rainy... 
- Take your time to prepare your food, smell it, touch your ingredients, feel them in your hands... and eat them with time enough to enjoy them...
-  Pray for those that are probably suffering and do not have those gifts you received in your life. Pray not because you believe in God, because someone else is suffering... 
- Smile before of leaving your home because you never know if you will be back finishing your day...
- Enjoy wearing those clothes, those shoes, not because they are  stylish, but  you feel warm..
- Do not run from rain, walk slower, look at the sky and let your face to feel raindrops...
- Smile if you hear the scream of a little child in the distance, complaining for the rain...
- Enjoy how everyone start running to their destinations when all these things happen
- Kindly greet people...
- Try to give your best at your job, studies, or any of your activities even when you have been thinking all the time in that person... be thankful for that too ...
- and the things that make me happy for sure, are these: 

  1. one of her messages on whatsapp, 
  2. to feel how my heart starts beating so fast
  3. go to run not just for feeling better, but to think in my life and in the person I miss every moment
  4. to feel my legs when they wanna scream "stop Roxana"
  5. Tighten my pillow just imagining that the person I love could be by my side... I smile for that
  6. To smell the perfum I like in my clothes
  7. to hug tight the dog of this house and kiss her because she is a cute crieature I adore
  8. to write everyday about that person in my notebook
  9. feeling the echo of my voice inside when I talk to myself
  10. feeling the echo of my voice in my mind
  11. smile when I try to touch the clouds in the sky when I am outside walking
  12. To kept the face of the person I love all the times in my mind just for talking with that special one...
  13. Enjoying the kisses of my friends, my colleagues and my students telling me the much they adore me for the way I am
  14. To make jokes just to change the working enviroment of my job
  15. Enjoying the laugh of the people around when I say or I do something funny
  16. The smell of the grass after rain...
  17. The smell of air after rain
  18. The Feeling of having a piece of heaven in my hands after it rains for a while and I am outside
  19. Repeat all the messages I have in my mind with the different voices of my loved ones...
  20. to make voices for those birds around or those pets I love
  21. The love that some animals try to give me all the times I just sit close to them, no mattering if they know me or not... that is amazing
  22. The smell of a coup of coffee
  23. having the experience of birds in my hands, dogs, cats, rabbits, worms, snail and much more...
  24. The smell of lemons when I prepare my lemon juice
  25. The feeling of lotion in my hands and my body after taking my shower
  26. The taste of a piece of chocolate
  27. The faces of my friends when they see me eating chocolate and I give to them 
  28. The feeling of my body after changing clothes when I am off of work
  29. Enjoying a massage I give to myself on my head after a long day
  30. writing poetry because that is a way to get away of my mind
  31. A message of my sisters telling the much they love me and giving me any advice
  32. The smile of my family's dog when I go to visit them
  33. The warm of a hug that my mother could give me all the times she wanna see me..
  34. The changes that people I teach appreciate after the process
  35. Talking to trees on my way when I go outside
  36. The feeling and beating of all my body when I go to run and the day is cloudy
  37. When I had a nice dream and I was flying in those dreams
  38. When I hug my friends for no reason and they hug me back for another no reason
  39. The faces of people telling me " I wanna do that too, go ahead" when I am playing basketball
  40. When people trust me secrets and they ask me to give them an advice or help as well
  41. The feeling of sand in my hands when I go alone to the beach
  42. A good talking with a very very close friend
  43. The lick of a dog or cat in my face telling me "Hey I love you human" 
  44. To feel the pain on someone else and give to them a big and tight hug
  45. To try to make something with my messy hair ...
  46. Having the child inside of me even my age and I see it when I watch cartoons...
  47. The feel of my hands inside the legumes in the supermarket
  48. The feeling of freedom when I am riding a bycicle without hands...
  49. The feeling of freedom when I am doing the last I said and I am singing out loud while riding...
  50. to sit on the floor just to enjoy the place
  51. the warm of a stove at home
  52. The taste of wine I decide to drink when I am reading, sometimes...
  53. The smell of the juice I prepare...
  54. the taste and smell of the first bite of an apple
  55. The smell of new or clean sheets
  56. The smell of clean clothes...
  57. the tenderness of a child's hand...
  58. The surprised expression of people when they learn something new...
  59. The funny mustache of some young guys...
  60. The eyes of people when they say "I am in love"
  61. the warmth of the people  thanking  for my help
  62. To feel the smell of new shoes
  63. To close my eyes just for hearing the wind
  64. To feel the hand of someone in my back telling me at the same time that I will be ok
  65. To remember how much someone used to love me two years ago and to thank that experience
  66. To feel the taste of a candy and how my eyes are so opened for the impression lol
  67. to talk stupid things with my friends and enjoying that fact that we can not stop laughing for 10 or 30 minutes  :P
  68. To revive the plants of my family when I visit them because they forgot the water for them :o
  69. To talk to my plants sometimes because I know the listen to me :)
  70. walking with a good friend and having a nice talk at the same time
  71. To help homeless people in the nights when no one is staring around because I prefer just to listen their "thank you miss, God bless you"... 
  72. To give a stroke to any pet that I talk in my way to any place lol
  73. Giving a kiss to those aged people that use to say hi to my family
  74. Go outside with the only aim of taking a nice picture anywhere!
  75. enjoying the smell of a new book
  76. The feeling of having the thoughts that people wanna share with me even before they share it
  77. The sound of my breath and my heart beating at the same time... they talk
  78. The presence of one of my closed ones near my house, and the feel I have of knowing it and findind them!
  79. The white criatures around... the good ones I think... 
  80. The warmth of our sun when I feel it on my face
  81. The feeling I had when I found a bird that crushed against a window and I had that bird in my hands for 5 minutes (hummingbird)
  82. The sound of my guitar, and the guitar of friends and family when we all play it
  83. I enjoy so much some movie soundtracks, some of them make me cry...
  84. the feeling of having the piano keyboard in between my fingers.. I feel so excited for that...
  85. the feeling of having a fish once in my hands, when I was swimming in a lake few years ago...
  86. the emotion of seeing how deep is a lake when I use to swim...
  87. the feeling I have staying deep down (apnea) for more than 1 minute just enjoying the situation of not wanting air...
  88. the expression of some kids and students when I make a magic trick lol
  89. the feeling when I dance and dance and dance and I do not care if dancing with or without music lol ...
  90. the emotion of having the leg of a dog that knows how to say hi !!!
  91. the smell of an orange and the sparks of it's shell when I am peeling it
  92. the taste of a lemon and salt 
  93. I enjoy the fact that we are all connected for a lot of misterious reasons...
  94. the surprised face of some parents when they see their kids learning new things
  95. The emotion I had when a student that used to be sick (cancer for 1 year) said to us that everything was ok in his new tests results
  96. the opportunity I had saying goodbye to my beloved aunt Monica the past year. She died for cancer...
  97. The peace I feel when I go to the burial ground...
  98. To see and take a picture of a cool rainbow...
  99. the roses smell...
  100. To feel this way right now, loving someone, feeling deep love for someone, that makes me smile everyday when I start with the alarm in the mornings...


domingo, mayo 31, 2015

Bleeding inside

"She was so confused, so lost, her heart was away. Meanwhile her love was so lonely awaiting for her... Just one click, just one touch and both would be again on the road... unfortunately one of them had a disease... the time was running out
They were wondering at moments if one day they would be together, finally"


sábado, mayo 30, 2015

Believing, but not trusting

Such a big wall when you really love 
when you really love that one

Such a big deal when you wanna be
when you wanna be in her heart

Such a big heart when you need to realize
when you need to realize how hard it was

Such a big hell but you just don't care
you just don't care, loving so much

And you do believe me, you do believe me
you do believe me.... youu

What's wrong in your heart
who made you feel sad
that pain is no right
If I wanna stay by your side...

Such a big wall when you really love 
when you really love that one

Such a big deal when you wanna be
when you wanna be in her heart

Such a big heart when you need to realize
when you need to realize how hard it was

Such a big hell but you just don't care
you just don't care, loving so much

And you do believe me, you do believe me
you do believe me.... youu

Who made you feel bad
those fakes in your mind
when trusting is not an option
how could you be mine?

And you do believe me, you do believe me
you do believe me.... youu can't trust...


If that person would know...

This message wanna fly away from me... away away, 10.000 km... I am saying this here and now but it wanna go away, It wanna be heard for the person I love, the one I love... even when that person has no idea how much I feel ... and I can not stop it ... 

deep down...


domingo, mayo 24, 2015

The facts I follow

  1. If someone is really interested in me, that person will find a way to meet me, to stay with me no matter what...
  2. It is better to act than just say what are you going to do
  3. You need strong reasons to leave your country, preferably 3:  turism, a job and if there is love,  "someone" ... and the last is the most important when it is reciprocal
  4. Do not waste your time with someone you know you are not loving much or your mind is somewhere else with someone else while you are in a relationship
  5. It is a fact that money do not make our happiness, but it helps just in the way we take our lives and needs. Basically what is a need and a wish ...both are different things
  6. Do not believe in people that tend to promise all the time, believe in those that without say a word just show what they are doing for us...
  7. If someone is not able to choose you there are 3 reasons: it is too coward to face her/his feelings, you dont mean anything at all or that person does not know what he/ she should do. 
  8. Love hurts
  9. Love is not a competition... when you feel something you can not avoid it, no matter the time, the people you have in your life or the couples you spend time with ... 
  10. The people you love the most tend to be the meanest with you, even knowing the much you love them...
  11. The only things we have to regret are those we have not done...
  12. I am not afraid of loving someone or getting hurt for someone. That is part of life
  13. Even when you avoid it there is always someone you will hate with all your heart... 
  14. Your past will make your present no matter if you try to avoid it... you better face it and get over it
  15. I love a person and  her name is ...J...

Im sorry for my english, I am learning...


Missing... Inefable

Cuando terminas de convencerte a ti misma de que  estabas extrañando con todo tu ser, con toda tu alma.  Que los días se convirtieron en meses, que las semanas  se convirtieron en décadas,  y un mes completo se convirtió en  cien años, quizás una eternidad...


viernes, mayo 22, 2015

La persona que amo, Inmarcesible

Y entonces la persona que amo apareció,
y latió nuevamente mi alma.
Salí del infierno, que significa vivir en agonía.
Tiernamente me ha encontrado.
Le he dejado mis puertas abiertas.
Mi completo territorio se siente vulnerable nuevamente.
¿Qué es esto? ¿ Qué significa?
Me siento absolutamente vulnerable y frágil.
Me siento absolutamente fuerte y confiada.
Tengo mi confianza en todo y en nada a su vez.
Mi reflejo, mi alma gemela en frente de mí justo ahora.
Le abrazo con amor, le acaricio con regocijo, le adoro.
¿Quién es el cobarde que ante sus sentimientos, se rinde?
Me quedo, siempre me quedo aquí a la espera.
Estoy esperando todo, esperando nada. 
Me he llenado nuevamente de vida. 
Incluso la muerte me parece placentera,
pero no la quiero aún.
Soy el fantasma que jamás pensé ser. 
Quiero vida, vida sólo para apreciar este sentir desde mi alma.
Desde mis entrañas todo me llama a buscar alivio en su alma.
Mi persona amada me grita internamente, internamente me ha encontrado.
Las sombras, las almas del mundo se reencuentran de maneras insospechadas
Me quedo quieta. .... quieta de felicidad, porque así siento mi vida. 

To J...


miércoles, mayo 20, 2015

Michael - Mikhail

"Questions frequently arise in Christian circles about the true identity of the mysterious biblical character known as Michael, sometimes called "Michael the archangel" and "Michael the Great Prince." Some claim that Michael is the highest of the heavenly angels, one of the covering cherubs, or a special messenger like Gabriel. And therefore, he is a created being. Others, such as Bible commentator Matthew Henry, assert that Michael is simply another of the many names for Jesus Himself. Can we know the real identity of this mysterious being? Obviously, the key to deciphering this puzzling question is found in the Scriptures. "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little" Isaiah 28:10.

A quick look in a Bible concordance reveals that there are 15 references to the name Michael in Scripture. Ten of these are simply people named Michael. In fact, the entry for "Michael" in the lexicon a Greek and/or Hebrew dictionary states, "The name of an archangel and nine Israelites." It is the identity of Michael, the archangel and prince, mentioned in the last five references that we seek in this important study. 

The first three of these references to Michael are in the Old Testament book of the prophet Daniel. The last two are mentioned in the New Testament books of Jude and Revelation. With an honest study and comparison of these and other verses, clues quickly emerge that lead us to an inescapable conclusion of Michael's true identity He is none other than Jesus—He is not a created angel or cherub, but this name is another of the many grand titles for God's eternal Son! 

At first glance, the Old Testament appears to portray Michael as a prince, and the New Testament describes Him as an archangel. But by looking at other related Scriptures where similar language and wording are used, we will see an interesting pattern emerge. Warning

Before you proceed any further, please carefully read and digest this next thought. Because the word "angel" means messenger, it is used very freely and broadly in Scripture. Sometimes, men are called angels in the Bible 1 Samuel 29:9 Galatians 4:14. And sometimes angels are called men Genesis 32:24. And in other places, as will be soon shown, God Himself is identified as an angel! Of course, even angels are called angels.

Typically, when a person thinks of an angel, they picture one of the many levels of winged, ministering spirits known as angels, seraphim, or cherubim. Unlike Jesus, these celestial beings are created. There are some cults that teach that Jesus, before His earthly incarnation, was really just a powerful angel that had a feud with His wayward fellow angel Lucifer. In turn, this means that Jesus is a created being who has been promoted by the Father and therefore not the eternal God as Christians accept. This study categorically rejects that view. Jesus is, and always has been, God's eternal Son and indeed God Himself. Any comparison made to Jesus as an angel in this study is simply in the classical sense as a greatest messenger of salvation and is in no way intended to diminish from His eternal divinity.

Maybe the key is in the name

First, let's consider the meaning of some words and names. In the Greek New Testament, the word "angel" means "messenger," and "arch" means "chief, principle, greatest, or highest." So "archangel" simply means "highest or greatest messenger." The Hebrew name "Michael," found in the Old Testament, means "who is like God" or sometimes it forms a question: "Who is like God?" So the title Michael the archangel can be translated as "The greatest messenger who is God." Whether this name is a question, statement, or a challenge will be clear by further study. One angel did profess to be like God. That covering cherub fallen from the heavenly courts is Lucifer, who became the devil or Satan, by claiming to "be like the most High" Isaiah 14:14. In Revelation 12:7, Satan is opposed by "Michael and his angels" and is cast out of heaven."

more about this: http://www.amazingfacts.org/media-library/book/e/85/t/who-is-michael-the-archangel.aspx

domingo, mayo 17, 2015


Loneliness has allowed me to think, screem, only internaly with no external noises. Loneliness has allowed me to develop many ideas, many thoughts, many sorrows. I searched  for worlds and I found universes. 

Loneliness has allowed me to realize how deep are my feelings, for my family, my friends and specially for that person I love the most... 

Loneliness has allowed me to open my eyes and talk with myself constantly. It is not the same now when I open my hands or eyes... I found a reason to stay, to love, to smile, to sing, to read, to embrace... 

I told to that person 100 years ago..."maybe the reason is that I have to love you... I should love you with no expectations, that is a good reason why I found you .... or you found me"...

I create, I see, I hear more, I seek, I smell, I taste differently...

I love ... yes, I love in my loneliness...

Adiós querido cabello

Me aburrí!!!!!!!!

Adiós a mi cabello..... 

Hoy te vi nuevamente, Limerencia

Entre mis saltos y sonrisas, te busqué y te encontré
Te encontré en cada una de los rostros del ruidoso lugar
Cerré los ojos y te vi nuevamente. 
Los abrí para comprobar que no eras tú, pero eras tú, completamente tú...
Me rodeabas y me sonreías, me abrazabas y te alegrabas de la danza...

Hoy te vi nuevamente bajo la luz de mis estrellas, entre ruidos y sus bondades.
Te vi con tu sonrisa eterna, con tu mirada infinita, con tu anhelo de quedarme quieta en ti...

Te extraño, como el mar extraña todos los días a su Luna. Hoy te vi nuevamente y mi corazón latió gracias a ti pues estabas ahí para mi, en todas partes, en ese ambiente, en ese ruido, entre esas amistades...

No te pierdas, no te vayas, no me olvides....

To J...


jueves, mayo 14, 2015

If only

If only I could take your pain...

Not just the pain in your "back"....but in your soul...


miércoles, mayo 13, 2015

Slave of my own thoughts...

"I leave my own body every night. There is a reason why I do this. I need to be phisically there, not just staring and reading that lovely mind... I wanna give my hand to that who is always keeping things for me. No matter what is happening outside, I have been deprived of freedom for so long...all those guardians  telling "DON'T TALK, DON'T SAY A WORD"... it is annoying!" Roxana

Even if they say the same than your heart ...

I wonder

Here I am
only standing beside of you
here I am 
wanting all, that all of you

Here I stay
no matter the way, doing all for you
giving time, and all my night 
thinking about you

I wonder if you are missing our moments
I wonder if I have a space in your mind
I wonder if you will feel that way
with someone else...

Here I'll stay 
the only way I can feel more of you
Here I am
holding silently your hand

Tell me then
if  I should be feeling this way
thinking about you

I wonder if you are missing our moments
I wonder if I have a space in your mind
I wonder if you will feel that way
with someone else...


Sometimes you have to listen the stars


martes, mayo 12, 2015

How can I leave a feeling?

Once when I was a child
someone started reading to me
telling that I will find someone just for me
just for me

Once I thought I'll be fine
wishing so impatiently, believe me
that you could be so right in that place just for me
just for me

and now I only want to leave it
and now I wish all my heart beatings to stop me
and I can't stand the idea of you so close to me
if you don't want me the same way, that I feel...

How can I leave a feeling
how can I leave my heart
feels like I'm always missing
missing you so much 

Once when I was a child
someone started reading to me
telling that I will find someone just for me
just for me

Once I thought I'll be fine
wishing so impatiently, believe me
that you could be so right in that place just for me

just for me

How can this life to let me
to find you by this way
while you are starting something
with the wrong  one away ....

Once when I was a child
someone started reading to me
telling that I will find someone just for me
just for me

My excuse.... J...

Desde el alba hasta las estrellas

Desde el alba, hasta las estrellas
desde mis alarmas, hasta mis lágrimas,
probablemente las más bellas lágrimas...
Desde mi ventana hasta tus palabras
esas frases que cantas con tu voz, desde el alma.

Desde mis latidos, hasta tus caricias
desde mis cuerdas vocales, hasta tu delicia
desde mi inspiración hasta tu prisa,
esa que no te deja verme a mí, que soy tu premisa...

Desde el alba hasta las estrellas, dame una caricia, un mensaje, tuyo, tu alma bella...


lunes, mayo 11, 2015

Let me find it

Let me find my own sun
just let me find it
let find it
You do not understand what's wrong
it is all about me and all about me

Let me find my own control,
You just can't see it
just can't see it
trying to understand it all
just let me find it, let me find it

You asking me what it's wrong
but you can see me, you can find me...
please just let my feelings flow
I wanna see you here
the only I wanna feel


"The love I feel it is an excuse to write poetry and new songs....
My poetry and songs are an excuse to express the love I feel for someone..".


domingo, mayo 10, 2015

I would prefer....

I would prefer to spend one minute.... one second of my life with the person I love that questioning all my existence, all the eternity with an "How could it have been?"

Preferiría pasar un minuto... un secundo de mi vida con la persona que amo que toda una existencia, toda una eternidad cuestionándome con un "Cómo podría haber sido?
